1- Make your website known by Google

2- Make sure all your pages are in the index

3- Provide Google with keywords

4- Increase the page rank  for each page

5- Target the first place

6- Mesure the audience…

7- … and adjust


1- Make your website known by Google

Google provides web professionals with Webmaster Tools. There, one can add his website to Google repository.

2- Make sure all your pages are in the index

Creating a file called a sitemap that will list all the pages to be added to Google rep.

3- Provide Google with keywords

Working on the organic search of the website optimization

  • Create a list of relevant keywords
  • Create content using those keywords and neighbours words. Not to dense to avoid black list.
  • Use this content in key places of the website such as titles, links
  • Create friendly URL

4- Increase the page rank  for each page

Making other places link to your website. Best back links would come from complementary websites or from websites sharing the same keywords.

Consider social networks to place free links in audience chosen pages.

5- Target the first place

The first place can not be guaranteed through organic search. The steps described above are mandatory to enter a competition on keywords. But depending on the pressure from concurrent websites, other actions should be considered. Such as online campaigns.

An online campaign is defined by a monthly budget and keywords. Google Adwords provides tools to optimize campaigns.

6- Measure the audience…

The creation of a « Google Analytics » account gives a global view of the visitors and their behavior.

7- … and adjust

An analyse of the visitors behavior enables adjustments on the website content to reach targets.

Content is king, we know it!

An empty shell won’t go very far. Any SEO action should begin with a smart content.


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